About Us
Asia Coaching Network(ACN) strongly believes that there may be many cultures across Asia but one of the common threads running through all Asian cultures is the respect for the one from whom one learns, variously describing him/her as the master, guru, mentor, etc. This has implications on how to navigate the process without creating transference.
ACN also believes that native language plays a vital part in uncovering and expressing some of the deepest emotions and thoughts, which may sometimes be very crucial for coaching success. ACN plans to develop linguistic frameworks and models in alignment with Asian cultures.
Our objectives
ACN, shall among other things,
- Create a network of coaches of different backgrounds, experience, specializations including life, executive/leadership, career selection, career transition, relationships, etc. and act as a clearing house matching needs and competences, to be able to serve a wide cross section of clients from different walks of society with varying needs.
- Generate content and practice in languages hitherto not being served by other international coaching organizations.
- Assist individuals and organizations in establishing a culture of coaching as one of the important tools of human development, through training & certification, etc.
- Promote research and publication in different aspects of coaching & allied processes.
- Collaborate with other organizations for furtherance of its objectives.
- Engage in any other intervention (even beyond coaching & mentoring) which may usher in individual group and universal human wellbeing.
- Explore possibility of a viable and more effective alternative framework of catalysing human growth, incorporating traditional Asia wisdom, practices and methodologies of human development, as compared to established models.